Farewell Christmas


At this time in January, I am more than slightly tired of the Christmas tree, the glitter and the small Santa and snowman decorations. I always feel relieved after they have been put away.


However I find it a little bit harder to remove all of our Christmas lights. I am afraid it will feel dark and empty.


But as it is said, Ring ut det gamla och Ring in det nya, I will now take them down. They will have to go if this apartment is going to get a spring make over. And that is exactly what is going to happen. I have never felt more enthusiastic.

Postat av: lisa

hmm, ja det börjar ju bli mer än dags nu...får kompensera med massaor av söta ljusstakar å valiga ljus...å kanske nån vanlig,åretrunt ljusslinga :)

2010-01-12 @ 08:59:18

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